Sunday, January 3, 2010

Zargaristan's Military

ZARGARISTAN will  NEVER  have a police force or any sort of military.
The Realm will never contribute any wealth towards any war or police action.
Zargaristan is at Peace with ALL nations, and has No Imperialist ambition.

"Not by Force but by Virtue, Not with Arms, but with Compassion is Victory won." 
Zargaristani National Motto.

Invitation to Petition for Citizenship in Zargaristan

We, by our Grace and Favour, the self-styled Sovereign Crown~Prince of Zargaristan, Michael the First, do hereby and hereon extend our most bounteous greetings to the outer reaches of humankind...and welcome, henceforth, petitions for Citizenship in our noble realm.

Please address all correspondence directly to our royal presence:

Thursday, December 31, 2009

End of the first decade of the new millennium...

Today is Dec. 31st, 2090...and tomorrow will be 2010. Twentyten.
I don't expect things to get much better.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Zargaristan National Hymn (Played on Organ. Words provided!)

 A beautiful Organ rendition of Zargaristan's breathtaking National Hymn.

"Sing to our native land...

Lovely  Zargaristan...

Home of Compassion and of Freedoms...

Let our good Prince arise,

High as the clear blue skies,

Over our land to reign for evermore.

Sing this song full of the love that we feel for our country;

Raise a cloud full of the Herb that the Mother has brought us...

Facing the rising sun of our new day begun,

Compassion and LOVE will ever lead us on."

Why Zargaristan?

Having studied history, especially the histories of empires, and other principalities, We have decided that the laws of Zargaristan shall be the most liberal and forward thinking of any land.
Zargaristan shall become known as the Land of Complete Freedoms. mtf

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

To the Greater recesses of the earth's expanse, Be Greetings.
In the name of the Sovereign Principality of Zargaristan, I, Prince Michael, I, do hereby and on this day proclaim the independence of our dominion.
We are a micro-nation, without borders, dedicated to spreading Compassion in the outer expanses.
The Princely Capital is located at 3310 1/2 Aberdeen Way
in the City of Houston, Texas~Coahuila

Greetings from Zargarastan

Most Holy and Sovereign Order
Knights Saracen of Zargaristan
Dedicated to Our Lady QuanYin
"Non vi sed virtute,
non armis sed pietus paritur victoria "
Not by force but by virtue, not with arms but with compassion is victory won.