Sunday, January 3, 2010

Zargaristan's Military

ZARGARISTAN will  NEVER  have a police force or any sort of military.
The Realm will never contribute any wealth towards any war or police action.
Zargaristan is at Peace with ALL nations, and has No Imperialist ambition.

"Not by Force but by Virtue, Not with Arms, but with Compassion is Victory won." 
Zargaristani National Motto.

Invitation to Petition for Citizenship in Zargaristan

We, by our Grace and Favour, the self-styled Sovereign Crown~Prince of Zargaristan, Michael the First, do hereby and hereon extend our most bounteous greetings to the outer reaches of humankind...and welcome, henceforth, petitions for Citizenship in our noble realm.

Please address all correspondence directly to our royal presence: